Dr. Maher Al-Mahrouq, Director General of ABJ, stressed that the financial prizes initiative for the Corona vaccine recipients came with the Jordan Radio and Television Corporation more to have a TV segment encouraging citizens to take the Corona vaccine through financial prizes. ABJ responded to this in coordination and consultation With the National Center for Security and Crisis Management, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, Jordan Television and the Prime Ministry.

Bank’s response to this initiative came from the banking sector’s priorities in protecting the economy and society from any economic setback noting that achieving such a goal in such circumstances “can only be done by immunizing society through the vaccine which is the only way to protect people.”

Al-Mahrouq added, during his speech to the “Happy Morning” show yesterday, Friday, that the economy, institutions and individuals have suffered a lot from closures and instructions to confront the epidemic noting that raising the number of vaccine recipients through initiatives is a great necessity. He stressed the banks’ continued responsibility and their standing with the country to overcome the crisis.

The Jordan TV initiative, which was launched on Friday through the “Happy morning” show, in cooperation with ABJ, includes financial prizes for the Corona vaccine recipients to be drawn weekly to encourage individuals receive the vaccine to immunize the community.

The first phase of these awards included financial donations from seven banks, namely Jordan Islamic Bank, Jordan National Bank, Arab Bank, Cairo Amman Bank, Housing Bank for Trade and Finance, Capital Bank and Arab Islamic Bank.

Al-Mahrouq stressed in his speech the bank’s support for the national economy return to its normal state and its complete openness while adhering to health standards and combating the epidemic by committing to receiving vaccinations.

He stressed that the banking sector support for this campaign by for Jordan TV “is not the first and it will not be the last”, and that it comes “out of the bank’s social responsibility which they held throughout the pandemic in various stages and forms in supporting the national economy and encouraging citizens as well as economic institutions back to normal life.”

He referred to many initiatives launched by the Central Bank of Jordan and the banking sector to encourage businesses continue to pay salaries to some facilities besides other contributions during the pandemic including contributing to the Hemmat Watan Fund, the initiative to postpone loans owed to many individuals, institutions and companies and program implementation

He urged everyone’s cooperation to make these initiatives a success to return to normal life, and “the necessity of the citizens’ commitment and their willingness to take the vaccine to bypass this stage, and lest we take any step backwards in terms of the epidemiological situation.” He pointed out that this prompted ABJ a few months ago to launch a specialized vaccination center for the banking sector and financial institutions workers. Pointing out that the center was later opened for all citizens to receive the vaccine, and it continued to work for 6 weeks on July and August. In this context, he praised the role of the National Crisis Management Center and the Ministry of Health for their response and cooperation with the association to facilitate the largest possible number of banking sector employees to receive the vaccine as they are in direct contact with citizens.

Al-Mahrouq stated that the first prizes draw in the “Happy Morning” show will start next Friday, November 5, with a 500 Dinars prize which will be won weekly by people who received the vaccine during the week preceding the drawing, whether they received the first or second dose. The prizes will be shared for all vaccinated recipients as of next week.

Al-Mahrouq thanked Jordan TV for this initiative, which reflects its national awareness-raising responsibility as well as the banks that showed great response as part of their social responsibility.

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