Dr.Maher Mahrouq

Director General

I am pleased to welcome you to the website of the Association of Banks in Jordan, the digital window that opens the doors of knowledge for you to access rich and diverse content, serving as a comprehensive reference for information related to the banking sector in the Kingdom and its leading role in the national economy. It provides information on various activities of the association, where you will find the latest information and news related to the Jordanian banking sector, as well as the latest banking, financial, and economic data and reports, along with a wealth of information related to banks operating in the Kingdom, those prestigious banking institutions that we take pride in and constantly cherish their achievements in various fields.

We have ensured that this website, upon its launch, is modern, organized, and has a user-friendly interface, allowing all users to easily and quickly access the information they need. Furthermore, we have endeavored on the site to reflect the values of interaction and continuous learning, focusing on providing high-quality facts, figures, and information in innovative and new ways, as well as offering diverse and exciting content that reflects the evolution of banking services and the level of financial innovation in Jordan, in addition to achieving the highest standards of quality and transparency, and striving to enhance financial awareness and promote financial and banking culture.

We invite you to explore our diverse and useful content, visit every corner of this website, and make the most of the resources we provide to enhance your knowledge of banking, financial, and economic developments. We look forward to your interaction and participation as this website serves as a bridge between the association and member banks, and between the association and all stakeholders and individuals interested in various aspects of banking. The new website has also been linked to social media platforms to ensure continuous and ongoing interaction with all segments of society.

In conclusion, we reiterate our welcome to you to the association’s website, and we thank you for your trust in us. We look forward to your contributions and opinions, as you are an essential part of our journey to enhance banking work in the Kingdom and support the efforts of banks in providing distinguished, advanced, and sustainable banking services.

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