The Association of Banks in Jordan has released the study “Comparative Performance of Banks Operating in Jordan for 2022 and 2023.” This year’s study includes the addition of some information published for the first time, in line with the Association’s approach to improving and increasing the quality of its reports and publications and expanding their scope. A special section on gender indicators for individual clients, whether borrowers or depositors, was added, along with the data and information that the Association has consistently published in its comparative performance study, which provides a comprehensive summary of the developments experienced by the banks operating in the Kingdom during 2023 compared to the previous year, 2022.

The first section covered the development of the main items in the balance sheet in terms of total assets, facilities, and deposits in the banks operating in Jordan, in addition to equity and capital. The second section included the main items of the income statement for banks operating in Jordan during 2023, represented by profit before tax and net profit after tax.

The third section covered the key profitability measures of banks operating in Jordan, which link the balance sheet and income statement, represented by the return on assets ratio and the return on equity ratio for 2023. The fourth section highlighted the main financial soundness indicators of the banks, including the capital adequacy ratio and the ratio of non-performing loans to total loans. The fifth section focused on some indicators of individual lending activity during 2023, while the sixth section reviewed some gender indicators for individual clients, whether borrowers or depositors. The seventh section covered the main indicators of banking expansion for banks operating in Jordan, including the number of branches and ATMs. The eighth section reflected the development and distribution of human resources in the banks operating in Jordan as of the end of 2023.

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